Be free of issues, feelings, memories or unwanted behaviours and live your best life.



Hypnotherapy is the use of the mind-body connection, understanding how our thoughts and feelings can influence our physical health, just as our physical health can influence our mental health.

I use relaxation and visualisation techniques to guide you into a state of deep peacefulness so your brain lets go of distractions and become more focused to help you achieve what you want to achieve.

Hypnotherapy Services

Anxiety and Stress

Feeling like there is no light at the end of the tunnel can be a scary, lonely place for someone. I work with both Havening and Hypnosis to give clients freedom from anxiety and stress.

Weightloss Therapy

This therapy is referred to as Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis, a non-surgical technique that uses the power of hypnosis to change the way you think
about food. Clients are retrained to be satisfied with smaller amounts
of food by working through emotions, events and beliefs.

Chronic Pain Management

Chronic pain is debilitating and can make the easiest tasks challenging. Using Hypnotherapy and Havening techniques, we focus on changing pain beliefs and reducing pain sensations. Through this, patients are able to accomplish their day-to-day tasks and improve their quality of life.


The energy and feelings from a traumatic event can be stored in the body, constantly hindering your quality of life. I can help you deal with
this trauma through Hypnosis or Havening,
to remove these feelings once and for all.

 Self Esteem

Hypnosis techniques are used to reprogram your unconscious mind with affirmations and suggestions. We can use it as an effective tool for building your esteem and self-confidence. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind focused on concentration, helping you transform your life.

Personal Requests/ Other Services

Contact me to discuss anything else you would like to work with.

"We have a free discovery call to work out if we connect and if you would like to work with me"

“Everyone can be hypnotised if they are reassured about the process and have a reasonable expectation about what the experience will be like.”


First Session: $280

Follow Up Sessions: $170

  • Flexible payment plans can be arranged.

  • The initial session is longer, and the number of sessions required will depend on your individual needs.

"We have a free discovery call to work out if we connect and if you would like to work with me"

How I can help…

My role as a Hypnobirthing + Havening Practitioner is to give parents an experience that informs and empowers them to bring new life into the world with joy and contentment free of fears and distractions. It is much more than a few techniques for a mother to use while giving birth. Havening is a psychosensory Touch Technique which creates a calm, relaxed mum, hence a calm and relaxed baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Hypnosis is a treatment intervention that involves inducing the client into a relaxed, suggestible state and then offering post-hypnotic suggestions for relief of symptoms. It uses the hypnotic trance—the simple shifting back and forth between the conscious and subconscious mind, a natural process that occurs every day—in order to create this relaxed, suggestible state.

  • Many people think of hypnosis as inducing sleep. That’s actually not the case. Hypnosis (and hypnotherapy) induce the “trance state.” It is actually a natural state of mind that many of us encounter in everyday life on a regular basis. If you’ve ever been engrossed in a book, movie, or performance, then you have likely experienced the trance state.

    The only thing that distinguishes a naturally occurring trance state from the hypnotic trance state is that hypnotherapists induce the latter and are able to control the trance state to create understanding and healing.

  • The hypnotic trance state creates a deep sense of relaxation and allows the client to let go. During this process, the hypnotherapist is able to uncover subconscious motivations, access repressed memories, perform regression therapy, and/or use the power of suggestion to “re-map” the mind’s responses to stimuli.

  • Hypnotherapy is the practice of psychotherapy with a client who is in the hypnotic altered state of consciousness. Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to access the source of distress, like depression and anxiety, and for people to reconnect with dissociated emotions and disowned parts of themselves. Hypnotherapy helps therapists and client get closer to the source of a client’s issues by opening the doorway to their subconscious mind.

  • To understand the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy, think of hypnosis as a tool and hypnotherapy as the use of a tool.

    While hypnosis and hypnotherapy are in the same “family,” they are very different from each other. The core difference is that hypnotherapy is an internationally-recognised therapy technique for treating mental and psychosomatic issues. It uses hypnosis to break through to the subconscious to better understand the foundation of the issues a client is facing.

  • Yes, hypnotherapy works. Professional organizations have consistently reported on the value of hypnotherapy. The British Medical Association has been formally studying and verifying it since 1892.

    In the 1950s, both the British Medical Association and the American Medical Association confirmed the efficacy of hypnotherapy as official policy. They claimed: “For the past hundred years there has been an abundance of evidence that psychological and physiological changes could be produced by hypnotism which were worth study on their own account, and also that such changes might be of great service in the treatment of patients.”

    In 2001, the British Psychological Society reported that: “Enough studies have now accumulated to suggest that the inclusion of hypnotic procedures may be beneficial in the management and treatment of a wide range of conditions and problems encountered in the practice of medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy.”

  • When therapists treat their patients with traditional methods, they spend much of their time simply trying to get past mental blockages to understand the subconscious reasons for their patients’ issues. However, hypnotherapy uses the hypnotic trance as a method for accessing the subconscious. Accessing the subconscious allows therapists to better understand the core reasons that someone’s issues may be manifesting.

    Think of a the therapist as an archaeologist. Using traditional talk therapy, therapists must slowly remove the crust with toothbrushes, finally reaching the skeletons below after much painstaking work. Hypnotherapy allows you to tunnel directly down to the subconscious.

    What are the benefits of hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy has repeatedly and consistently helped patients with anxiety, depression, PTSD, obesity, addictions, or countless other issues heal faster. When combined with Havening valuable healing work can begin as quickly as one or two sessions.

  • The core difference between hypnotherapy and other methods is depth and speed. Using hypnotherapy techniques like relaxation, guided imagery, and the trance state, therapists are able to access the subconscious more quickly than traditional methods. Traditional methods may take weeks, months, or years to uncover the subconscious reasons behind issues that are manifesting in clients. With hypnotherapy, these reasons can be found in as little as one session.

  • No. Hypnosis is nothing but a state of relaxed deep focus. A hypnotized person always has control and can always hear what's going on. It is a natural state that you enter at least twice a day (while waking up and while falling asleep!) and probably much more often than that.

    While undergoing hypnotherapy, clients have the ability to communicate with their therapist and express any requests they may have. Experienced hypnotherapists are constantly verifying the comfort level of those in the trance.

  • The exciting thing about hypnotherapy is that it has and can be used to treat a wide variety of human illnesses, diseases, addictions, diagnoses, and complaints.

  • The subconscious mind is where we store everything that has ever happened in our lives. Therefore, it is much more efficient to do therapy while in the subconscious state, using hypnotherapy to access these moments in our lives that have impacted us. This results in greater awareness around one’s issues. With this awareness comes the ability to recognize the cause of behaviours that one desires to change.

  • Anyone who wants to be Hypnotised can be. However if you don’t want to be you will not be.

    How responsive you are to hypnosis and the depth of relaxation achieved is dependant on a number of factors, see a few below:

    The rapport between the client and the therapist.

    Previously acquired fears and beliefs about Hypnosis usually acquired from watching Stage Hypnosis or on TV.

    Having a fixed belief that they will be unconscious with no sensory awareness

    Misconceptions that relaxation (trance) is the dame as sleep

  • It is easier to predict the number of treatments once an overview of your goal’s have been assessed. When we have had a chat in our free consultation call about the area of your life you would like to work on I can give you an indication of how many sessions you may need. Most issues take a minimum of 2 sessions.

  • Fears about being stuck in Hypnosis probably originate from the media. If the therapist was to have disappeared half way through a Hypnotic induction the patient would resume a full state of consciousness in their own time. We enter into, and come out of daydream states several times throughout our day.
